13th March 2019
HMRC have announced that the online service for obtaining an Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number is now available.
What you need to know about EORI numbers:
any business that already trades with non-EU countries and has a UK EORI number will continue to be able to use this for UK-EU trade and does not need to apply again
UK EORI numbers are eight digit numbers and begin with the prefix 'GB', such as GB00000000
any business that already trades with non-EU countries and has an EU EORI number will be able to use this for UK-EU trade for a temporary period; HMRC will provide further information about moving to a UK EORI number shortly and these businesses do not need to apply for a UK EORI number at this time
EU EORI numbers will be begin with different country prefix, such as 'IE' or 'FR'.
Get a UK EORI number to trade within the EU explains that UK businesses trading with the EU will need a UK EORI number to continue trading if the UK leaves the EU with no deal. If the UK leaves the EU with no deal, UK businesses will need to apply the same processes to EU trade that apply when trading with the rest of the world. The guidance has been updated to reflect that the new online service to get an EORI number is now available.
View the updated guidance Get a UK EORI number to trade within the EU.